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set in
美音: [set in] 英音: [sɛt ɪn]

set in基本解释

动词开始; 到来; 上涨; 插入

set in相关例句



1. Spring has setin very early this year.

set in网络解释

1. 开始:translate into 翻译成 | setin 开始 | intend to do 想要做

2. 来临,流行:set forth阐明,陈述 | setin来临,流行 | set off出发,动身;引起,使发生


3. 开始(并将延续下去):serve...right 给...应得的惩罚 | setin 开始(并将延续下去) | stand up for 支持,维持,保卫

4. 以:set with=用 | setin=(以 | set data:=数据

set in词典解释

1. (不好的事情)产生,开始,到来,恶化
If something unpleasant sets in, it begins and seems likely to continue or develop.

set in的反义词

e.g. Then disappointment sets in as they see the magic is no longer there...
e.g. Winter is setting in and the population is facing food and fuel shortages.

set in英英释义


1. become established

e.g. winter has setin

2. enter a particular state

e.g. Laziness setin
After a few moments, the effects of the drug kicked in

Synonym: kick in

3. blow toward the shore

e.g. That gale could setin on us with the next high tide

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