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smooth over
美音: [smu:ð ˈəuvə] 英音: [smuð ˈovɚ]

smooth over基本解释

smooth over在线翻译


smooth over

smooth over相关例句


1. I tried to smoothover the awkwardness of this first meeting.

2. The angry husband and wife agreed to smoothover their differences.

smooth over网络解释

1. 掩饰;调停,平息:smooth out 把...开平;消除;解决 | smoothover 掩饰;调停,平息 | snap at 厉声说;急促地说

2. 消除, 掩饰:decyl aldehyde 癸醛 | smoothover 消除, 掩饰 | polyphore 离蕊花托

3. 消除:smooth out 消除 | smoothover 消除 | smooth things 恭维话

4. 使(问题)缓解:set out to do sth. 开始做某事 | smoothover 使(问题)缓解 | snap at 厉声斥责

smooth over词典解释

1. (尤指通过协商)减轻,缓和
If you smooth over a problem or difficulty, you make it less serious and easier to deal with, especially by talking to the people concerned.

smooth over的近义词

e.g. ...an attempt to smoothover the violent splits that have occurred...
e.g. The Chancellor is trying to smooth things over.

smooth over英英释义


1. treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly

Synonym: gloss overskate overslur overskimp over

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