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turn in
美音: [tə:n in] 英音: [tɚn ɪn]

turn in基本解释

上床睡觉; 上交; 归还; 面向内

turn in反义词

turn in什么意思

turn out

turn in

turn in相关例句


1. The father turned in his boy for killing the mother.

turn in网络解释

1. 交出:turn down 关小、调低、拒绝 | turnin 交出 | turninto 变成

2. 上床睡觉;交还,上交:take in 欺骗;领会,理解 | take part in 参加,参与 | turnin 上床睡觉;交还,上交

3. 拐入:turn down 向下折转 | turnin 拐入 | turninside out 翻出

4. 转身进入;拐入;交出:turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 | turnin 转身进入;拐入;交出 | turninto 进入;使变成,使成为

turn in词典解释

1. 上床睡觉
When you turn in, you go to bed.

turn in是什么意思

e.g. Would you like some tea before you turnin?

2. 把(犯罪嫌疑人)交给警方;告发;检举;自首
If you turn someone in, you take them to the police or tell the police where they are because they are suspected of committing a crime. If you turn yourself in, you go to the police because you have been involved in a crime.

turn in

e.g. He has been given until noon today to turn himself in to authorities...
e.g. There would be strong incentives to turn someone in...

3. 上交;提交;交付
When you turn in a completed piece of work, especially written work, you give it to the person who asked you to do it.

e.g. Now we wait for them to turnin their essays...
e.g. I want everybody to turn a report in.

4. 交还;返还
If you turn something in, you return it to the place or person you borrowed it from.

e.g. I went back to the station-house to turnin my badge and gun...
e.g. The official showed up to tell her to turnin her library books.

turn in英英释义


1. prepare for sleep

e.g. I usually turnin at midnight
He goes to bed at the crack of dawn

Synonym: go to bedbedcrawl inkip downhit the hayhit the sacksack outgo to sleepretire

2. carry out (performances)

e.g. They turned in a splendid effort
They turned in top jobs for the second straight game

Synonym: put on

3. make an entrance by turning from a road

e.g. Turn in after you see the gate

4. to surrender someone or something to another

e.g. the guard delivered the criminal to the police
render up the prisoners
render the town to the enemy
fork over the money

Synonym: hand overfork overfork outfork updeliverrender

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