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turn back
美音: [tə:n bæk] 英音: [tɚn bæk]

turn back基本解释

(使)往回走; 翻起,折转; 扭转; 掉过头来

turn back网络解释

1. 回来:bring back 拿回;使...回想起 | turnback 回来 | get back 回来;恢复;要回; 带回

2. (使)折回;(使)往回走:on the turn 正在转变中 | turnback (使)折回;(使)往回走 | in turn 依次,轮流;转而,反过来

3. 翻过来:turn away转变方向;拒绝 | turnback翻过来 | be answerable for应对......负责

4. 返回,转回去:turn away打发走,驱逐,转过脸去 | turnback返回,转回去 | turn round转过身来

turn back词典解释

1. (使)返回;(使)折回
If you turn back or if someone turns you back when you are going somewhere, you change direction and go towards where you started from.

turn back的解释

e.g. She turned back towards the crossroads...
e.g. They were very nearly forced to turnback...

2. 无法改变计划;无法收回成命
If you cannot turn back, you cannot change your plans and decide not to do something, because the action you have already taken makes it impossible.

e.g. The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turnback.

turn back英英释义


1. turn inside out or upside down

Synonym: invertreverse

2. go back to a previous state

e.g. We reverted to the old rules

Synonym: revertreturnretrovertregress

3. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy
check the expansion or influence of

e.g. Arrest the downward trend
Check the growth of communism in South East Asia
Contain the rebel movement
Turn back the tide of communism

Synonym: checkarreststopcontainhold back

4. force to go away
used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings

e.g. Drive away potential burglars
drive away bad thoughts
dispel doubts
The supermarket had to turnback many disappointed customers

Synonym: chase awaydrive outdrive awaydispeldrive offrun off

5. retrace one's course

e.g. The hikers got into a storm and had to turnback

Synonym: backtrackdouble back

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