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turn away
美音: [tə:n əˈwei] 英音: [tɚn əˈwe]

turn away基本解释

转过脸去; 拒绝(某人)进入; 辞退; 背

turn away网络解释

1. 走开;把脸转过去:turn against 对...采取敌对态度 | turnaway 走开;把脸转过去 | turn down 关小,调低;拒绝

2. 转变方向;拒绝:beyond oneg power超出某人的能力 | turnaway转变方向;拒绝 | be answerable for应对...负责

3. turn away的意思

3. 转来脸去:433 transition to 向......过渡,向......转变 | 434 turnaway 转来脸去 | 435 turn over 把... 翻过

turn away词典解释

1. 拒绝…进入
If you turn someone away, you do not allow them to enter your country, home, or other place.

e.g. Turning refugees away would be an inhumane action...
e.g. Hard times are forcing community colleges to turnaway students.

2. 弃用(方法、主意)
To turn away from something such as a method or an idea means to stop using it or to become different from it.

turn away

e.g. Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate...
e.g. Medicine began to turnaway from botany in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries.
在 17、18 世纪的科学革命中,医学开始从植物学转而研究其他方向。

turn away英英释义


1. move so as not face somebody or something

2. turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest

Synonym: deflectbend

3. turn away or aside

e.g. They averted their eyes when the King entered

Synonym: avert

4. refuse entrance or membership

e.g. They turned away hundreds of fans
Black people were often rejected by country clubs

Synonym: rejectturn downrefuse

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