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take on
美音: [teik ɔn] 英音: [tek ɑn]

take on基本解释

承担; 呈现; 雇用; 录用

take on的近义词

take on相关例句


1. The insect can takeon the color of its surroundings.

2. He is unwilling to takeon heavy responsibilities.

take on情景对话


A:If this coat doesn''t fit, may I bring it back later?

B:Sorry, We don''t take returns on sale items.


A:What’s your schedule like this year?

B:Pretty busy. I have to pick up a lot of credits this year.

A:What’s your major?

B:I’m majoring in French literature.

take on的近义词

A:Oh, don’t you have to take that class on 18th century poetry? It’s really difficult. I hear the students in that class have to write a paper 100 pages long.

take on的近义词

B:That’s right. We got the assignment last week.

A:When is it due?

B:Next Monday!

A:Remind me never to sign up for that course!

take on网络解释

1. 雇佣:意识形态与空间:我们所谓的意识形态经由介入到社会空间及其生产之中,来达至其一致性,并在那里雇佣(takeon)了身体. 意识形态本身乃是首先存在于一种关于社会空间的话语中. 意识形态和逻辑甚至会成为不可分辨的--至少在一种对于一致和凝聚的顽固要求之程度上,

2. 呈现:31.carry on继续下去; | 32.takeon呈现; | 34.keep one's word/promise信守诺言;

3. take on在线翻译

3. 承担:take in欺骗,接受. | Takeon承担 | take up开始(从事于),占据(时间)

4. 从事:specialize in 主要从事于 | takeon 从事 | a variety of多种多样的

take on词典解释

1. 承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任)
If you take on a job or responsibility, especially a difficult one, you accept it.

e.g. No other organisation was able or willing to takeon the job...
e.g. Don't takeon more responsibilities than you can handle.

2. 呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)
If something takes on a new appearance or quality, it develops that appearance or quality.

e.g. Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.

3. (公共汽车、船舶等)上(客),装(货),补充(燃料)
If a vehicle such as a bus or ship takes on passengers, goods, or fuel, it stops in order to allow them to get on or to be loaded on.

e.g. This is a brief stop to takeon passengers and water.

4. 雇用;录用
If you take someone on, you employ them to do a job.

e.g. He's spoken to a publishing firm. They're going to take him on...
e.g. The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers.

5. 与(尤指实力比自己强的人)较量;接受…的挑战
If you take someone on, you fight them or compete against them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are.

e.g. Democrats were reluctant to takeon a president whose popularity ratings were historically high...
e.g. I knew I couldn't take him on.

6. 擅自决定;自作主张
If you take something on or upon yourself, you decide to do it without asking anyone for permission or approval.

e.g. Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine...
e.g. He took upon himself the responsibility for protecting her...

take on英英释义


1. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect

e.g. His voice took on a sad tone
The story took a new turn
he adopted an air of superiority
She assumed strange manners
The gods assume human or animal form in these fables

Synonym: assumeacquireadopttake

2. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle

e.g. Princeton plays Yale this weekend
Charlie likes to play Mary

Synonym: meetencounterplay

3. admit into a group or community

e.g. accept students for graduate study
We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member

Synonym: acceptadmittake

4. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities

e.g. When will the new President assume office?

Synonym: assumeadopttake over

5. accept as a challenge

e.g. I'll tackle this difficult task

Synonym: undertaketackle

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