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strike back
美音: [straik bæk] 英音: [straɪk bæk]

strike back基本解释

还手; 反击,回击

strike back网络解释

1. 反击:24完了,推荐给大家<>(StrikeBack)看看. 第一季六集已经演完了,我看了第一集感觉还不错.

2. strike back的近义词

2. 越界威龙(电视电影):1994 生命擂台 Those Were The Days | 越界威龙(电视电影) StrikeBack | 烈火情人 Fiery Lover

3. 回击:strike at the root of 摧毁 | strikeback 回击 | strike down 击倒

4. 打回来; 反射过来, 回击:strike at 企图打破, 袭击, 打击, 攻击 | strikeback 打回来; 反射过来, 回击 | strike for ... 要求...而罢工

strike back词典解释

1. 反击;回击
If you strike back, you harm or criticize someone who has harmed or criticized you.

e.g. Our instinctive reaction when someone causes us pain is to strikeback...
e.g. Sometimes, Kappy got angry and struck back at him in whatever way she could...

strike back英英释义

strike back的解释


1. make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil

e.g. The Empire strikes back
The Giants struck back and won the opener
The Israeli army retaliated for the Hamas bombing

Synonym: retaliate

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