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strike up
美音: [straik ʌp] 英音: [straɪk ʌp]

strike up基本解释

开始演奏; 开始(交谈),建立起(友谊等)

strike up

strike up网络解释

1. 开始演奏:2. elegant adj. 优雅的 | 3. strikeup 开始演奏 | 4. waltz n. 华尔兹

2. 开始演奏;开始(交谈 建立起(友谊等):recent a. 新近的,近来的 | strikeup 开始演奏;开始(交谈 建立起(友谊等) | strike v. 冲,撞;罢工;(使)产生印象,打动;极点;发现,找到 n. 罢工

3. 开始(谈话,演奏:1461strike someone as在某人看来似乎... | 1462strikeup开始(谈话,演奏...) | 1463stripen. 条纹

4. 发起谈话:Pie in the sky 天方夜谭 | strikeup 发起谈话 | stock up 囤货

strike up词典解释

1. 开始(交谈);建立(友谊);开始(来往)
When you strike up a conversation or friendship with someone, you begin one.

e.g. I trailed her into Penney's and struck up a conversation...
e.g. James struck up a friendship with a small boy who owned a pony on the island.

2. 开始演奏
When musicians strike up a piece of music, or when music strikes up, the music begins.

e.g. And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem...
e.g. Music struck up in one of the big old buildings along the seafront...

strike up英英释义


1. begin

e.g. strike up a conversation
strike up a friendship

2. start playing

e.g. The musicians struck up a tune

Synonym: sound off

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