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at full tilt
美音: [æt ful tilt] 英音: []

at full tilt基本解释

at full tilt的翻译


at full tilt相关例句


1. He was running atfulltilt when he slipped and fell down.

at full tilt网络解释

1. 全速的,全力的:thousands of 许多,无数 | atfulltilt 全速的,全力的 | ahead of time 提前

2. 全速地:tilen.瓦,瓦片 | atfulltilt全速地 | timbern.木材,木料;树木,树林

3. at full tilt的解释

3. 全速地,全力以赴地:at a premium 以高价 | atfulltilt 全速地,全力以赴地 | at random 随意地,随机地

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