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first and foremost
美音: [fə:st ænd ˈfɔ:məust] 英音: [fɚst ənd ˈfɔrˌmost]

first and foremost基本解释

首要的; 第一

first and foremost的意思

first and foremost相关例句


1. He's written many different kinds of things, but he's firstandforemost a novelist.

first and foremost网络解释

1. first and foremost

1. 首要地,首先:fire up (突然)生气,勃然大怒 | firstandforemost 首要地,首先 | first of all 首先,第一

2. 首先:fire and sword火与箭 | firstandforemost首先 | firstand last先后

3. 首先且最重要的:4. come up with:提出,提供 | 5. firstandforemost 首先且最重要的 | 6. ex:前夫,前妻,前任的

4. first and foremost

4. 首先, 第一;最重要的:They were free and easy with their money and it was soon gone. 他们用钱很大方, 不久便耗费殆尽... | 13. firstandforemost首先, 第一;最重要的 | Firstandforemost they needed food. 食物是他们最需要的东西...

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