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hinge on
美音: [hindʒ ɔn] 英音: [hɪndʒ ɑn]

hinge on基本解释


hinge on网络解释

1. 依靠,以......为转移:4. consultant n. 顾问,咨询者 | 5. hingeon 依靠,以......为转移 | 6. infrastructure n. 基本功设施

2. 视...而定:hinge line 枢纽线 | hingeon 视...而定 | hinge pin 铰链销

3. 靠:hindward 往后的 | hingeon 靠 | hinge 铰链

4. 以...为转移:dependency 依赖 | hingeon 以...为转移 | parental 父母的

hinge on词典解释

1. 有赖于;取决于
Something that hinges on one thing or event depends entirely on it.

e.g. The plan hinges on a deal being struck with a new company...
e.g. A lot hinges on how we are viewed by overseas investors.

hinge on英英释义

hinge on的反义词


1. be contingent on

e.g. The outcomes rides on the results of the election
Your grade will depends on your homework

Synonym: depend ondevolve ondepend uponrideturn onhinge upon

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