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in chorus
美音: [in ˈkɔ:rəs] 英音: [ɪn ˈkɔrəs]

in chorus基本解释

in chorus的解释

齐声;一齐, 一致, 共同;

in chorus网络解释

1. 异口同声:in accord with 与......一致 | inchorus 异口同声 | in collaboration with 与......合作

2. in chorus在线翻译

2. 一齐;齐声:in chaos混乱,纷乱 | inchorus一齐;齐声 | go to the cinema看电影

3. 一齐、一致、共同:cheer up 使高兴、使振奋、高兴起来、 | inchorus 一齐、一致、共同 | clear away 扫除、收拾

in chorus英英释义


1. speaking or singing at the same time

e.g. they shouted `Yes!' in unison
they responded inchorus to the teacher's questions

Synonym: in unison

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