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to perfection
美音: [tu: pəˈfekʃən] 英音: [tu pɚˈfɛkʃən]

to perfection基本解释


to perfection网络解释

1. 完美地,尽善尽美地,完全地:1264to all intents and purposes几乎在一切方面,实际上 | 1265toperfection完美地,尽善尽美地,完全地 | 1266tokenn. 表征,记号,代币

2. 完全地:to outward seeming 从表面上看来 | toperfection 完全地 | to return to one's muttons 言归正传

3. 完美地,完全地:to my mind 依我看,我认为 | toperfection 完美地,完全地; | to the contrary 相反

4. 补足物, 补语, 余角:389) comely - pleasant to look at; pleasing and wholesome in appearance 清秀的, 标致的 | toperfection.补足物, 补语, 余角 | 403) complicity - partnership in wrongful act 同谋, 共犯

to perfection英英释义


1. in every detail

e.g. the new house suited them to a T

Synonym: to a Tto the letterjust right

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