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at the expense of
美音: [æt ðə iksˈpens ɔv] 英音: [æt ði ɪkˈspɛns ʌv]

at the expense of基本解释

at the expense of


at the expense of相关例句


1. at the expense of什么意思

1. She completed the work attheexpenseof her health.

2. He refused to travel attheexpenseofthe company and paid the trip himself.

at the expense of网络解释

1. 以...为代价:我对自己的实习经历作了一番总结,发现自己在XXX方面还需要加强. 所以,我很注意利用大学的最后一个学期来弥补这一不足. 现在,我对自己很有信心,如果时间能够倒流,我相信我能做到更好. atthe cost of 以...为代价(attheexpenseof)

2. at the expense of

2. 牺牲:马来西亚政府根据宪法必须(constitutionally obliged)牺牲(attheexpenseof)华人及其它民族的利益来确保马来西亚土著(Bumiputra)的利益. 反华立法(anti-Chinese legislation)是印度尼西亚宪法的一部分,但在1998年取消(lifted)了.

3. 归...付费:atthe cost of 以...为代价 | attheexpenseof 归...付费 | atthe instance of 应...之请,经...的提议 interfere with 妨碍;打扰

4. 以...为代价;由...付费,由...负担费用:atthe cost of以...为代价 | attheexpenseof以...为代价;由...付费,由...负担费用 | atthe mercy of在...支配下

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