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at long last
美音: [æt lɔŋ lɑ:st] 英音: [æt lɔŋ læst]

at long last基本解释

终于; 总算; 经过很多苦恼或麻烦之后; 算

at long last网络解释

1. 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底:一切都... 结束...了? Is it... over? | 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底, Atlonglast, | 没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子. No king rules forever, my son.

2. 终于:Every living thing is waiting.|所有的生命都在等待 | Atlonglast,|终于 | the sun makes its first appearance over the horizon.|太阳在地平线上露出了它的第一缕阳光

3. 最后;终于:21.At best 至多/最高(多)可能/充其量 | 22.Atlonglast 最後/終於 | 50.In addition 另外

4. 好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁:240. make great strides大有进步, 进展迅速, 大跃进 | 241. atlonglast好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁 | 242. sweep away v. 一扫而空

at long last英英释义

at long last的翻译


1. as the end result of a succession or process

e.g. ultimately he had to give in
at longlast the winter was over

Synonym: ultimatelyfinallyin the endat last

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