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at first glance
美音: [æt fə:st ɡlɑ:ns] 英音: [æt fɚst ɡlæns]

at first glance基本解释

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at first glance的翻译

at first glance网络解释

1. 乍看之下:以此标准来算by this criterion; by this standard | 乍看之下atfirstglance | 面对in the face of; in the presence of

2. 乍看:atfirst appearance 初看起来 | atfirstglance 乍看 | atfirst hand 直接

3. 第一眼:39. 以...终结 end up in | 40. 第一眼 atfirstglance | 41. 设定目标 set goals

4. at first glance

4. 第一眼就:7. place art works in parks 在公园里摆放艺术品 | 8. atfirstglance 第一眼就...... | 9. enrich real life 丰富真实的生活

at first glance英英释义


1. immediately

e.g. it was love atfirst sight

Synonym: at first sight

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