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answer for
美音: [ˈɑ:nsə fɔ:] 英音: [ˈænsɚ fɔr]

answer for基本解释


answer for在线翻译

answer for相关例句


1. We all must answerfor our actions.

2. You'll answerfor your rudeness one day.

answer for网络解释

1. 对...负责;符合:and yet 而,然而 | answerfor 对...负责;符合... | answer sb. back (与某人)顶嘴,回嘴

2. answer for的意思

2. 对......负责:all the best 一切顺利,万事如意 | answerfor 对. . . 负责 | apart from 除去,除了

3. answer for的翻译

3. 对...负有责任:83. one thing...another 一回事......另一回事 | 84. answerfor 对......负有责任 | 85. in answer to 作为对......的回答

4. answer for在线翻译

4. 对...负责任:amount to 总共达到;实际上是 | answerfor 对...负责任 | apply oneself to 致力于

answer for英英释义


1. furnish a justifying analysis or explanation

e.g. I can't account for the missing money

Synonym: account

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