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ahead of schedule
美音: [əˈhed ɔv ˈʃedju:əl] 英音: [əˈhɛd ʌv ˈskɛdʒul]

ahead of schedule基本解释


ahead of schedule相关例句


1. ahead of schedule

1. The production plan was fulfilled aheadofschedule.

ahead of schedule网络解释

1. ahead of schedule在线翻译

1. 提前:agree with 与...相一致;适合 | aheadofschedule 提前 | aheadof time 提前,在原定时间以前

2. 进度提前:资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curve | 进度提前 aheadofschedule | 进度拖延 schedule delay

3. 提前完成计划:advance 提前的 | aheadofschedule 提前完成计划 | bar graph schedule 横道图进度表

4. ahead of schedule的反义词

4. 提前;in advance预先:on schedule 按时,准时 | aheadofschedule提前;in advance预先; | behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间

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