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act up
美音: [ækt ʌp] 英音: [ækt ʌp]

act up基本解释

act up

(病痛等)复发; 炫耀; 行动倔强; (机器等)功能失常

act up相关例句


1. The dogs acted up when a stranger entered the front yard.

2. The car's engine began to actup.

3. act up的近义词

3. My car has been acting up again.

4. The boy is fond of acting up with him.

act up网络解释

1. 胡闹,出毛病:35. put one's foot in one's mouth - 祸从口出 | 41. actup - 胡闹,出毛病 | The children started to actup as soon as the teacher left the room. 老师一离开教室,孩子们就闹起来了.

2. 调皮:actup to 遵守 | actup 调皮 | actupon 遵照

3. 运作不正常:13.provided the transport comes though.若果交通顺利的话 | actup=运作不正常 | 14.Hit a sore spot,didnt I? 说到你痛处了,是不是?

4. 发作,尤指疾病发作:acquire a taste 对......有兴趣,开始喜欢 | actup 发作,尤指疾病发作 | add up 加,加起来,加到一起

act up词典解释

1. 运作不正常;出毛病
If something is acting up, it is not working properly.

e.g. She was messing with the coffee pot, which was acting up again.

2. (孩子)耍脾气,捣蛋
If a child is acting up, they are behaving badly.

e.g. I could hear Jonathan acting up downstairs.

act up英英释义


1. make itself felt as a recurring pain

e.g. My arthritis is acting up again

2. misbehave badly
act in a silly or improper way

e.g. The children acted up when they were not bored

Synonym: carry on

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