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burst into
美音: [bə:st ˈɪntuː] 英音: [bɚst ˈɪntu]

burst into基本解释

匆匆进入(某处); 突然开始(某事),突然进入(某种状态); 撞人

burst into网络解释

1. 闯入;突然发作:burstinto laughter 突然笑起来 | burstinto 闯入;突然发作 | burst out laughing 突然笑起来


2. 闯进;突然...起来:burn up烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽 | burstinto闯进;突然...起来 | but for除...以外,倘没有,除非

3. 闯入:burstinto tears 突然大哭 | burstinto 闯入 | burst mode 触发模式


4. 突然闯入:continue to do 继续做...... | burstinto 突然闯入 | be to do sth. 应当做某事

burst into词典解释

1. 突然…起来
If you burst into tears, laughter, or song, you suddenly begin to cry, laugh, or sing.

burst into

e.g. She burstinto tears and ran from the kitchen.
e.g. ...books that cause adults to burstinto helpless laughter.

2. (花、叶等)突然绽放,突然长出
When plants burst into leaf or flower, their leaves or flowers suddenly open.

e.g. ...rows of wallflowers promising to burstinto bloom.

3. 突然变成
If you say that something bursts into a particular situation or state, you mean that it suddenly changes into that situation or state.

e.g. This weekend's fighting is threatening to burstinto full-scale war...
e.g. The engine burstinto life.

4. to burstinto flames -> see flame

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