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bundle up
美音: [ˈbʌndl ʌp] 英音: [ˈbʌndl ʌp]

bundle up基本解释

捆扎; 捆(包等); (使)穿得暖暖的

bundle up

bundle up网络解释


1. 捆扎:bundle off 撵走 | bundleup 捆扎 | bundle


2. 用...捆扎(或包)起来:4.wobbly adj.摇晃的,摇摆的 | 5.bundleup用...捆扎(或包)起来 | 6.cradle vt.(放在摇篮里般地)抱

3. 把...捆扎,使穿暖:bump into 撞击 | bundleup 把...捆扎,使穿暖 | burst into 闯入,开出,突然出现

4. bundle up的近义词

4. 使穿着暧和衣服 把...捆起来:bundle oneself up 穿暧和些 | bundle sb. Out 把某人不客气地猛推出去 | bundleup 使穿着暧和衣服;把...捆起来

bundle up词典解释

1. 把…打包;捆扎
If you bundle up a mass of things, you make them into a bundle by gathering or tying them together.

e.g. Francis bundled up her clothes again into their small sack...
e.g. Her mother had bundled all her Forties clothes up and burnt them.

2. (使)穿得暖和
If you bundle up, you dress in a lot of warm clothes, usually because the weather is very cold. If you bundle someone up, you dress them in a lot of warm clothes.

e.g. After the coffee we bundled up and walked down to the river...
e.g. The next morning, Franklin and Eleanor bundled up the baby and carried him to New York...

bundle up英英释义


1. dress warmly

e.g. Mother bundled up the children for the long way to school

2. make into a bundle

e.g. he bundled up his few possessions

Synonym: bundleroll up

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