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beyond measure
美音: [biˈjɔnd ˈmeʒə] 英音: [biˈɑnd ˈmɛʒɚ]

beyond measure基本解释

不可估量; 无可估量; 非常地,极其

beyond measure相关例句


1. The good they have done for me is beyondmeasure.

beyond measure网络解释

1. 无可估量:beyond hope 没希望 | beyondmeasure 无可估量 | beyond question 无可争辩

2. 非常:4.beyondmeasure非常 | He loves his work beyondmeasure. 他非常热爱他的工作. | --Your husband tells me that you're a devotee of Henry James. 你丈夫说你是亨利?詹姆斯的小说迷.

3. 无可估量;极度:for good measure 另外; | beyondmeasure 无可估量;极度; | flexible measures 灵活的措施

4. 无可估量,极度,过分:by no means 决不,并没有 | beyondmeasure 无可估量,极度,过分 | meet with 会晤;偶然遇到;经历,遭遇

beyond measure英英释义


1. in excess or without limit

e.g. amazed beyondmeasure

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