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bear up
美音: [bɛə ʌp] 英音: [bɛr ʌp]

bear up基本解释


bear up相关例句


1. It is strong enough to bearup the weight of the roof.

2. He bore up well against all these misfortunes.

bear up网络解释

1. bear up的近义词

1. 支持,拥护;打起精神:bear sth. in mind 记住(某事) | bearup 支持,拥护;打起精神 | bear with 宽容;耐心等待

2. 支持:bearup for 驶向 | bearup 支持 | bearupon 施加压力

3. 支持;驶向下风:bearup 向下风偏转 | bearup 支持;驶向下风 | bear weight 负荷

4. bear up的反义词

4. 向下风偏转:bearup under burricane winds 顶得住飓风 | bearup 向下风偏转 | bearup 支持;驶向下风

bear up词典解释

1. 保持振作;支撑下去;不气馁
If you bear up when experiencing problems, you remain cheerful and show courage in spite of them.

e.g. How's Mary bearing up?...
e.g. She was frightened that she would be unable to bearup under the pain of childbirth.

bear up英英释义


1. endure cheerfully

e.g. She bore up under the enormous strain

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