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bear down
美音: [bɛə daun] 英音: [bɛr daʊn]

bear down基本解释

击败; 压在…上; 克服; 全力以赴

bear down

bear down相关例句


1. bear down

1. His determined efforts at last bore down all opposition.

bear down网络解释


1. 压倒,击败,克服:beardown on 冲向;对...施加压力 | beardown 压倒,击败,克服 | bear in mind 记住

2. 加倍努力:B: But he needs to be given a chance. 但是他也需要机会呀! | A: You should not have been too quick on the trigger. 可你不该太性急呀! | 49.beardown 加倍努力

3. bear down

3. 压倒:beardown on 袭击 | beardown 压倒 | bear fruit 奏效

4. 顺风逼近:bear away 夺取改变航道 | beardown 顺风逼近 | beardown 压倒

bear down词典解释

1. 向…逼近;冲向
If someone or something bears down on you, they move quickly towards you in a threatening way.

e.g. A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar...
e.g. The girl flashed a dazzling smile at the television crew and cameras bearing down on her.

2. 用力下压;使劲往下推
To bear down on something means to push or press downwards with steady pressure.

e.g. The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.

bear down英英释义

bear down什么意思


1. exert a force or cause a strain upon

e.g. This tax bears down on the lower middle class

2. pay special attention to

e.g. The lectures bore down on the political background

3. exert full strength

e.g. The pitcher bore down

4. to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle

e.g. he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork

Synonym: charge

5. contract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery

Synonym: overbear

6. exert a force with a heavy weight

e.g. The snow bore down on the roof

Synonym: drag downbear down onpress down onweigh down

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