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crop up
美音: [krɔp ʌp] 英音: [krɑp ʌp]

crop up基本解释

(尤指石头)裸露在地面各处; 突然发生; 意外地发现; 犯错误

crop up的解释

crop up网络解释

1. 突然出现:crop files 删除文件 | cropup 突然出现 | crop 删除

2. crop up的解释

2. 突然发生或出现:cronyism任人唯亲,偏爱,袒护(而给予职务 | cropup突然发生或出现 | cross one'S heart我保证

3. crop up是什么意思

3. 出其不意:Count on: 信赖 | Cropup: 出其不意 | Pitch in: 帮助


4. (问题等)突然发生,突然出现:614disablev. 使...失去能力 | 615cropup(问题等)突然发生,突然出现 | 616act out表演

crop up词典解释

1. (常指出其不意地)出现,发生
If something crops up, it appears or happens, usually unexpectedly.

e.g. His name has cropped up at every selection meeting this season...
e.g. Problems will cropup and hit you before you are ready.

crop up英英释义


1. appear suddenly or unexpectedly

e.g. The farm popped into view as we turned the corner
He suddenly popped up out of nowhere

Synonym: pop uppop

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