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crack up
美音: [kræk ʌp] 英音: [kræk ʌp]

crack up基本解释

破裂; (体力、精力等)垮掉; 夸奖; 变干

crack up相关例句


1. He cracked up after his wife left him.

crack up网络解释

1. crack up的反义词

1. 撞坏, 健康崩溃, 吹捧:ditty 小调, 小曲 | crackup 撞坏, 健康崩溃, 吹捧 | forest plants 森林植物

2. 撞碎:crack-down 制裁 | crack-up 撞碎 | crackable 会裂开的

3. 失去控制:crack 神经错乱的 | crackup 失去控制 | crackers 发疯的

4. 撞坏:crack on 加速 | crackup 撞坏 | crack wise 说俏皮话

crack up词典解释

1. (因精神压力大而)垮掉,崩溃
If someone cracks up, they are under such a lot of emotional strain that they become mentally ill.

e.g. She would have cracked up if she hadn't allowed herself some fun.

2. (使)大笑
If you crack up or if someone or something cracks you up, you laugh a lot.

crack up的翻译

e.g. She told stories that cracked me up and I swore to write them down so you could enjoy them too...
e.g. We all just cracked up laughing.

crack up英英释义

crack up是什么意思


1. laugh unrestrainedly

Synonym: break up

2. rhapsodize about

3. suffer a nervous breakdown

Synonym: crackcrock upbreak upcollapse

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