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count out
美音: [kaunt aut] 英音: [kaʊnt aʊt]

count out基本解释

逐一数出,大声数; 不把…考虑在内

count out相关例句


1. Please count me out from tomorrow's basketball match.

2. She counted out five $10 notes.

count out网络解释


1. 点...的数:count on 依靠;期待,指望 | countout 点...的数 | count up 把...加起来,共计

2. 排除在外:count in 包括在内 | countout 排除在外 | cut down on 减少某方面的数量、价格等

3. 数出:have contact with 与......联系 | countout 数出 | be blessed with 具有

4. 宣告失败:counter out台上裁判员 | countout宣告失败 | counter puncher善于反击的拳击手

count out词典解释

1. 数(钱)
If you count out a sum of money, you count the notes or coins as you put them in a pile one by one.

count out在线翻译

e.g. Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope.

2. 不把…算入;不包括
If you tell someone to count you out, you mean that you do not want to be included in an activity.

e.g. If this is the standard to which I have to drop to gain membership, then count me out!

count out英英释义


1. declare the loser

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