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切磋; 交换意见

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1. 交换意见:cold pig: 泼醒人所用的冷水 | comparenotes: 交换意见 | dry goods: 谷物(英),纺织品(美)

2. 交流思想:come thick an fast 大批涌来 | comparenotes 交流思想 | A creaking door hangs long. 旧门久用,病夫命长.

3. 商量,交换意见:95.be bent on doing sth专心致志地做某事; | 96.comparenotes商量,交换意见; | 97.put an end to结束、停止;

4. 交流经验:cannot...enough无论怎样...都不够 | comparenotes交流经验 | come to the point扼要地说

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