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come to light
美音: [kʌm tu: lait] 英音: [kʌm tu laɪt]

come to light基本解释

显露, 为大家所周知; 东窗事发

come to light的翻译

come to light相关例句


1. A political scandal has recently cometolight.

2. come to light的翻译

2. The scandal came tolight when the politician was seen with the lady.

come to light网络解释

1. 显露出来,暴露:20.one after another一个接一个地,连续不断地 | 21.cometolight显露出来,暴露 | 23.tell...apart一再;多次;反复

2. 显露出来,出现:stopwatch n. 跑表;记秒表 | cometolight 显露出来,出现 | per prep. 每,一

3. 显露;为人所知:stop-watch n.秒表;跑表 | cometolight 显露;为人所知 | maximum n.最大的量、体积、强度等

4. 真相大白;显露:cometo an end 结束 | cometolight 真相大白;显露 | come true 梦想成真

come to light英英释义


1. be revealed or disclosed

e.g. The truth finally came tolight

Synonym: come to hand

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