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close by
美音: [kləuz bai] 英音: [kloz baɪ]

close by基本解释

关系亲密; 在…近旁; 在附近

close by相关例句


1. close by是什么意思

1. The table closeby was made by Tom himself.

close by网络解释

1. 在附近:close at hand 就在眼前 | closeby 在附近 | close call 千钧一发

2. 附近的:close-at-hand 在附近的 | close-by 附近的 | close-fitting 紧身的

3. close by的反义词

3. 在近旁,在旁边:clear away 把......清除掉,收拾 | closeby 在近旁,在旁边 | come down to 可归结为

4. 很近的地方:Why, it's probably hidden right outside here somewhere, right?|很有可能就藏在外面某个地方,对吗... | Closeby?|很近的地方? | I'll tell you what, why don't we take a little walk, huh?|来吧,我们去外面散散步...

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