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clear the air
美音: [kliə ðə eə(r)] 英音: [klɪr ði er]

clear the air基本解释

尽释前嫌,消除隔阂; 以正视听

clear the air

clear the air网络解释

1. 消除误会:Be in theair 将要发生的事情 | Cleartheair 消除误会 | Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵

2. 清除误会;清除隔阂:clean hands. 清正廉洁 | cleartheair 清除误会;清除隔阂 | cold comfort 不起作用的安慰

3. 使空气流通:clear text 明码电文 | cleartheair 使空气流通 | clearthe atmosphere 消除误会

4. 使空气流通, 使空气变得新鲜 澄清事实; 消除误解:beat theair (拳击)打空; 白费力气, 徒劳 | cleartheair 使空气流通, 使空气变得新鲜 澄清事实; 消除误解 | disappear into thin air 不知去向, 消失得无影无踪

clear the air英英释义

clear the air


1. dispel differences or negative emotions

e.g. The group called a meeting to finally cleartheair

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