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clear out
美音: [kliə aut] 英音: [klɪr aʊt]

clear out基本解释

清除; (使)离开; 洗劫一空; 离家

clear out相关例句


1. She cleared out all her old clothes from the closet.

2. clear out

2. He was cleared out of the office by force.

clear out网络解释

1. 把...清出(或出空):clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等) | clearout 把...清出(或出空) | clear up 消除(误会等整理

2. 彻底清理:128. after class 课后 | 129. clearout 彻底清理 | 130. clear up整理;完成;收拾

3. clear out的意思

3. 清除:clear off 清除 | clearout 清除 | clearoutline 清除分级显示

4. clear out

4. 离开;把...清出(或出空):clear away把...除掉 | clearout 离开;把...清出(或出空) | clear up变晴

clear out词典解释

1. 滚开;滚出去
If you tell someone to clear out of a place or to clear out, you are telling them rather rudely to leave the place.

clear out在线翻译

e.g. She turned to the others in the room. 'The rest of you clearout of here.'...
e.g. 'Clearout!' he bawled. 'Private property!'

2. 清理,整理(容器、房间等)
If you clear out a container, room, or house, you tidy it and throw away the things in it that you no longer want.

e.g. I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left.

clear out英英释义

clear out的反义词


1. empty completely

e.g. We cleaned out all the drawers

Synonym: clean out

2. clear out the chest and lungs

e.g. This drug expectorates quickly

Synonym: expectoratedrive out

3. move out and leave nothing behind

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