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chance on
美音: [tʃɑ:ns ɔn] 英音: [tʃæns ɑn]

chance on基本解释

chance on的近义词


chance on情景对话


B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.

A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .

B:Will you let us have the specifications ?

A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .

chance on网络解释

1. chance on的反义词

1. 偶然发现:champleve 填上油漆的 | chanceon 偶然发现 | chance the duck 不管后果

2. 偶然遇见, 不期而遇:chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机, 一生中唯一的机会 | chanceon 偶然遇见, 不期而遇 | chance upon 偶然遇见, 不期而遇

3. chance on是什么意思

3. 碰巧找到,无意间碰到:1291chance it碰运气,冒风险 | 1292chanceon碰巧找到,无意间碰到 | 1293changen. 变化,零钱; v. 改变

4. 碰巧遇见,偶然发现:23. chalk up记下,达到,得到 | 24. chanceon碰巧遇见,偶然发现 | 25. change into变成

chance on英英释义

chance on是什么意思


1. find unexpectedly

e.g. the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
she struck a goldmine
The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake

Synonym: fall uponstrikecome uponlight uponchance uponcome acrosshappen uponattaindiscover

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