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drag on
美音: [dræɡ ɔn] 英音: [dræɡ ɑn]

drag on基本解释

drag on

拖延; 将…拖上来; 拖时间; 深吸

drag on

drag on网络解释

1. 拖延;使拖延:drag in 把...拉进去 | dragon 拖延;使拖延 | drain off 流掉;渐渐枯竭

2. drag on是什么意思

2. 拖延:9) standoff n.避开,冷漠 | 10) dragon 拖延 | 11) memoirs n.回忆录,自传


3. 将. . 拖上来 拖时间:insatiable 无法满足的 | dragon 将...拖上来 拖时间 | renegade 叛徒n

4. 拖拉:18) workload n. 工作量 | 19) dragon 拖拉 | 20) fellow n. 朋友,同事

drag on词典解释

1. 不必要地拖延;拖得过久
You say that an event or process drags on when you disapprove of the fact that it lasts for longer than necessary.

e.g. The conflict with James has dragged on for two years.

drag on英英释义

drag on


1. proceed for an extended period of time

e.g. The speech dragged on for two hours

Synonym: dragdrag out

2. last unnecessarily long

Synonym: drag out

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