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double up
美音: [ˈdʌbl ʌp] 英音: [ˈdʌbəl ʌp]

double up基本解释

把(某物)叠起来; (使)弯腰; 挤在一起

double up相关例句


1. double up的解释

1. There were not enough rooms, so some of the guests had to doubleup.

2. Would you doubleup the paper for me?

double up网络解释

1. 翻倍:翻倍 ( DoubleUp) 当一个玩家在一手牌里使他的筹码加倍时,这就称为翻倍(double-up). 例如,当一个玩家全押后被至少有同样多筹码的玩家跟注并获胜时,这就发生了翻倍的情况. 相关主题: 全押(All-In)

2. double up的意思

2. 弯着身子;把...对折:doubleup 弯曲(手脚等) | doubleup 弯着身子;把...对折 | down with 打倒;把...拿下

3. 弯曲(手脚等):double back 把...对折;往回跑 | doubleup 弯曲(手脚等) | doubleup 弯着身子;把...对折

4. 弯腰,把...折起来:do/try one's best / / 尽力,努力 | doubleup / / 弯腰,把...折起来 | draw in / / (火车,汽车)到站

double up词典解释

1. (因大笑、剧痛等)(使)弯腰,(使)弓身
If something doubles you up, or if you double up, you bend your body quickly or violently, for example because you are laughing a lot or because you are feeling a lot of pain.

e.g. ...a savage blow in the crutch which doubled him up...
e.g. They laugh so hard they doubleup with laughter.

2. see also: double

double up英英释义


1. stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager

Synonym: parlay

2. bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain

e.g. He doubled and vomited violently

Synonym: double overdouble

3. share a room or a bed designed for only one person

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