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do the honors
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do the honors基本解释

do the honors


do the honors相关例句


1. You dothehonors and pour out the tea.

do the honors网络解释

1. 尽地主之谊,作东:He's an honor to his parents.他的父母以他为荣. | dothehonors尽地主之谊,作东 | John is descended from noble ancestors. 约翰为名门后裔.

2. do the honors的意思

2. 尽地主之谊:do one's utmost 竭尽全力 | dothehonors 尽地主之谊 | do your share 分担

3. 尽主人之谊:Homer sometimes nods 智者千虑,必有一失 | Dothehonors 尽主人之谊 | Jack of all trades 百事通

4. 荣誉主持:do sth a thousand time不知做了多少遍 | dothehonors荣誉主持 | dothe trick = turn the trick获得成功,解决问题

do the honors英英释义


1. act as the host and receive or introduce one's guests

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