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do away with
美音: [du: əˈwei wið] 英音: [du əˈwe wɪð]

do away with基本解释

废除, 消灭, 去掉; 涤除; 搞掉

do away with相关例句


1. They decided to doawaywith the rule.

do away with网络解释

1. 消除:结合上一段后三句的要点,群体支持(social support) 能缓解(lessen)心理压力(stress),但不能绝对消除(doawaywith)心理压力. 这是一篇讨论体育运动中精神压力、父母及他人的评论和反馈(正强化或负强化--批评)对年轻运动员心理影响的说明文.

2. 废除,去掉;弄死:do a good job 好好干;干得好 | doawaywith 废除,去掉;弄死 | do by sb. 对待(某人)

3. 除去:缺点disadvantage; demerit; shortcoming; drawback; weakness | 除去doawaywith; eliminate; remove; get rid of | 缺少for lack of; for a deficiency of

do away with词典解释

1. 消除;终止;废除
To do away with something means to remove it completely or put an end to it.

e.g. The long-range goal must be to doawaywith nuclear weapons altogether.

2. 杀死;干掉;自杀
If one person does away with another, the first murders the second. If you do away with yourself, you kill yourself.

e.g. ...a woman whose husband had made several attempts to doawaywith her.

do away with英英释义


1. terminate, end, or take out

e.g. Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics
Socialism extinguished these archaic customs
eliminate my debts

Synonym: extinguisheliminateget rid of

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