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from scratch
美音: [frɔm skrætʃ] 英音: [frʌm skrætʃ]

from scratch基本解释


from scratch相关例句


1. from scratch

1. We had to start again fromscratch.

from scratch网络解释

1. from scratch的意思

1. 从头开始:from A to Z 从头到尾 | fromscratch 从头开始 | from the look of sb 从某人的外表看来

2. from scratch

2. 从头开始,白手起家:make sense 讲得通,有意义;合情合理的 | fromscratch 从头开始,白手起家 | caricature v. 将......画成漫画,用漫画表现(某特征),讽刺

3. 从零开始,从无到有,白手起家:slot noun 为某人/某事物安排的位置或时间 | fromscratch 从零开始,从无到有,白手起家 | jump at phrasal verb 欣然接受

from scratch英英释义


1. from the beginning, especially without relying on resources or other advantages

e.g. he baked the torte fromscratch
she built her business up fromscratch

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