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for that matter
美音: [fɔ: ðæt ˈmætə] 英音: [fɔr ðæt ˈmætɚ]

for that matter基本解释

for that matter

就那件事而论, 关于那一点

for that matter相关例句


1. For thatmatter, you are no better qualified than Mary.

for that matter网络解释

1. 其实(用以指出所说的两件事中,后说的与先说的性质一样):as it is 实际上; 其实是 | forthatmatter 其实(用以指出所说的两件事中, 后说的与先说的性质一样) | in effect 事实上, 实际上

2. 而且:as a matter of fact : 事实上 | forthatmatter : 而且 | it doesn't matter : 没关系


3. 都一样(用于指出所说的两件事物中,后说的与先说的性质一样). 例如:As a matter of fact, I know nothing about the ma... | 4. forthatmatter都一样(用于指出所说的两件事物中,后说的与先说的性质一样). 例如: | Don't talk like that to the elder, or to anyone else forthat ma...

4. 就此而言,而且:for sure 肯定; 确切 | forthatmatter 就此而言,而且 | for the better 好转;向好的方向发展

for that matter英英释义

for that matter的近义词


1. as far as that is concerned

e.g. for thatmatter I don't care either

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