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hope against hope
美音: [həup əˈɡenst həup] 英音: [hop əˈɡenst hop]

hope against hope基本解释


hope against hope相关例句



1. He hoped againsthope that the doctor had been wrong about his illness.

hope against hope网络解释

1. hope against hope的反义词

1. 抱一线希望:hopcalite 一氧化碳消灭剂 | hopeagainsthope 抱一线希望 | hope chest 嫁妆箱

2. 抱一线希望,明知无用仍妄想:hole and corner偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟 | hopeagainsthope抱一线希望,明知无用仍妄想 | hot potato棘手的事或问题

3. 希望渺茫:hold off 延緩,不使親近 | hopeagainsthope 希望渺茫 | in a cleft stick 進退維谷

4. hope against hope是什么意思

4. 抱着侥幸的希望:I can't hold with her. 我受不了她了. | hopeagainsthope抱着侥幸的希望: | He hoped againsthope that his lost water would be found. 他抱侥幸心理,希望能找到那只丢失的表.

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