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hold over
美音: [həuld ˈəuvə] 英音: [hold ˈovɚ]

hold over基本解释

hold over

保留; 延期; 延续; 继续上映

hold over网络解释

1. hold over的近义词

1. 将...延迟;期满后继任:hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 | holdover 将...延迟;期满后继任 | hold true 适用,有效

2. 推迟,拖延:61. Their odds are very poor 他们成功的可能性很小 | 62. holdover 推迟,拖延 | 63. out of order 损坏

3. 拖延;延期:white lab coat 白大衣 | holdover 拖延;延期 | holdover to 支撑到

4. 延期:hold out 提出 | holdover 延期 | hold pattern 稳斜模式

hold over词典解释

1. 以…威胁;以…要挟
If you hold something over someone, you use it in order to threaten them or make them do what you want.

e.g. Did Laurie know something, and hold it over Felicity?

2. 推迟;搁置
If something is held over, it does not happen or it is not dealt with until a future date.

e.g. Further voting might be held over until tomorrow...
e.g. We would have held the story over until the next day.

hold over英英释义


1. intimidate somebody (with a threat)

e.g. She was holding it over him

2. hold over goods to be sold for the next season

Synonym: carry over

3. hold back to a later time

e.g. let's postpone the exam

Synonym: postponeprorogueput overtableshelveset backdeferremitput off

4. continue a term of office past the normal period of time

5. keep in a position or state from an earlier period of time

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