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hold off
美音: [həuld ɔf] 英音: [hold ɔf]

hold off基本解释

拖延; 抵抗; 抗拒; 使…疏远

hold off相关例句


1. They will holdoff their decision until Monday.

2. His cold manner holds people off.

hold off网络解释

1. 拖延:例如,可以采用拖延(HoldOff)时间来推迟RPR层的倒换来实现协调. 而基于以太网WAN/LAN PHY的RPR设备则是以太网数据平台向传送网络融合发展的产物. 纯RPR设备在环路上均采用MAC帧的分组方式来承载所有业务,不存在承载TDM话音业务的SDH VC通道.

2. 释抑:3

3. 不接近;拖延;迟疑:hold in 约束,抑制 | holdoff 不接近;拖延;迟疑 | holdoffice 担任公职

4. hold off

4. 推迟;抵挡;不使...接近:holdoff 推迟;抵挡;不使...接近 | keep off 避开;防止;挡住 | leave off 停止;中断

5. hold off的解释

5. hold off:hoff; 暂停马达控制

hold off词典解释

1. 推迟;拖延
If you hold off doing something, you delay doing it or delay making a decision about it.

e.g. The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray...
e.g. They have threatened military action but held off until now.

2. (在比赛或竞赛中)抵挡住(对手的挑战)
If you hold off a challenge in a race or competition, you do not allow someone to pass you.

e.g. Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown.

hold off英英释义


1. resist and fight to a standoff

e.g. Dallas had enough of a lead to hold the Broncos off

2. wait before acting

e.g. the scientists held off announcing their results until they repeated the experiment

Synonym: waithold back

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