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here and now
美音: [hiə ænd nau] 英音: [ˈhɪri ənd naʊ]

here and now基本解释

here and now是什么意思

此时此地; 当前, 此刻; 就此

here and now相关例句


1. Let's start the experiment hereandnow.

here and now网络解释


1. 此时此刻:活在当下(the now),此时此刻(hereandnow)* 当影像从背景中浮现却并没有完结时,在个人心中留存未竟事物(unfinished business)而造成不可预期的情绪经验.

2. here and now

2. 马上:assess 评估 | hereandnow 马上 | go along with 赞同

here and now英英释义


1. at this time

e.g. the disappointments of the hereandnow
she is studying at the moment

Synonym: present momentmoment

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