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hammer out
美音: [ˈhæmə aut] 英音: [ˈhæmɚ aʊt]

hammer out基本解释

锤平; 锤成; 阐明; 开始演奏

hammer out相关例句


1. He hammered out a scheme.

hammer out网络解释

1. 设计出:prohibit sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 | hammerout 设计出 | break down 崩溃

2. hammer out什么意思

2. 锤薄:hammer of engine 发动机锤震现象 | hammerout 锤薄 | hammer riveting machine 锤铆机

3. hammer out

3. 竭力想出(解决办法等):99. hammer away at 努力做 | hammerout 竭力想出(解决办法等) | 100. at hand 近在手边,在附近

4. 锤平:hammer off ==> 锤截断 | hammerout ==> 锤平 | hammer paint ==> 锤纹漆

hammer out词典解释

1. (经长时间或艰难的讨论)达成(一致意见或协定)
If people hammer out an agreement or treaty, they succeed in producing it after a long or difficult discussion.

e.g. I think we can hammerout a solution...
e.g. The new fixture package has been hammered out by the Premiership clubs in talks over the last ten days.

hammer out英英释义

hammer out的意思


1. discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement

e.g. The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to hammerout a peace agreement

Synonym: thrash out

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