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in the same boat
美音: [in ðə seim bəut] 英音: [ɪn ði sem bot]

in the same boat基本解释


in the same boat网络解释

1. 同舟共济:In prosperity think of adversity. 居安思危 | inthesameboat 同舟共济 | in at one ear and out at the other 左耳朵进,右耳朵出

2. 处境相同:.play jokes on/戏弄 | .Inthesameboat/处境相同 | .History repeats itself/历史常常重演

3. 同病相怜:after one's own heart 志同道合 | inthesameboat 同病相怜 | money talks 有钱能使鬼推磨

4. 境遇相同;同舟共济:bar n. 栅栏 | inthesameboat 境遇相同;同舟共济 | answer for 对...负责;受到惩罚

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