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in accord with
美音: [in əˈkɔ:d wið] 英音: [ɪn əˈkɔrd wɪð]

in accord with基本解释

与…一致, 融合

in accord with反义词

in accord with的意思

out of accord with

in accord with的反义词

in accord with相关例句


1. They pursued economic policies inaccordwith the national interest.

in accord with网络解释

1. in accord with是什么意思

1. 与......一致:in a good/bad light 从好/坏的角度 | inaccordwith 与......一致 | in action 在活动,在运行中

2. 符合:ignorance n. 无知 | inaccordwith 符合 | incorporate adj.合并的 vt.合并

3. 与......一致,与.....相符合:8. of one's own accord 出于自愿,主动地 | 9. inaccordwith 与...一致,与...相符合 | 10. with one accord 一致的,一致同意的


4. 和......一致:Every dog has its day 每个人都会有飞黄腾达的日子 | inaccordwith 和......一致 | out of accordwith 和......不一致

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