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join hands
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join hands的意思

join hands网络解释

1. 携手;联手;合伙:instead of 代替 | joinhands 携手;联手;合伙 | just now 刚才,不久前

2. join hands

2. 携手,合伙:7.put ...in prison 把...投入监狱 | 8.joinhands携手,合伙 | 9.the Civil War (美国)内战

3. join hands

3. 万众一心:亡國滅種 extinction; being conquered and destroyed | 萬眾一心 pull together; joinhands; make joint efforts; be united as one | 浩然氣概 noble spirit

4. 携手联合:change hands 易手 | joinhands 携手联合 | kiss hands 吻君王之手

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