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kick off
美音: [kik ɔf] 英音: [kɪk ɔf]

kick off基本解释

kick off是什么意思

踢开; (足球)中线开球; (使)开始; 死

kick off的翻译

kick off词典解释

1. (在足球比赛中)开球
In football, when the players kick off, they start a game by kicking the ball from the centre of the pitch.

e.g. Liverpool kicked off an hour ago.

2. (事件、比赛或讨论等)开始
If an event, game, series, or discussion kicks off, or is kicked off, it begins.

e.g. The shows kickoff on October 24th...
e.g. The Mayor kicked off the party...

3. 踢掉(鞋)
If you kick off your shoes, you shake your feet so that your shoes come off.

kick off

e.g. She stretched out on the sofa and kicked off her shoes.

4. 强使离开;赶走
To kick someone off an area of land means to force them to leave it.

kick off

e.g. We can't kick them off the island.

kick off英英释义


1. commence officially

Synonym: inaugurate

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