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keep at a distance
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keep at a distance单语例句

keep at a distance是什么意思

1. The new tool works to keep attackers atadistance without hurting them.

2. He was a stern coach, and players tended to keep him atadistance.

keep at a distance双语例句

1. Keep one's distance; keepatadistance

2. They have dolphins that are set up with certain information, sound-recording equipment, that can actually record sound on land that travels via, through the water because sound travels ata much greater distance and can keep its real concentrated frequency much longer underwater than it can in open air.

3. The Birth of Tragedy Attempt ata Self-Criticism(1886) Preface to Richard Wagner(1871) To keepatadistanceall the possible scruples, excitements, and misunderstandings that the thoughts united in this essay will occasion, in view of the peculiar character of our aesthetic public, and to be able to write these introductory remarks, too, with the same contemplative delight whose reflection--the distillation of good and elevating hours--is evident on every page, I picture the moment when you, my highly respected friend, will receive this essay. Perhaps after an evening walk in the winter snow, you will behold Prometheus unbound on the title page, read my name, and be convinced at once that, whatever this essay should contain, the author certainly has something serious and urgent to say; also that, as he hatched these ideas, he was communicating with you as if you were present, and hence could write down only what was in keeping with that presence.

4. keep at a distance在线翻译

4. To avoid a conflict; keepa good distance from sb.; keepatarm's length; keep sb.

5. Of course, there are even more advanced technologies already available, such as adaptive cruise control that can keep vehicles ata safe following distance and dynamic navigation systems that receive data to always calculate the best route home.

6. She is looking at you, refusing you; want to approach you, but keepa mysterious distance.

7. If you will only keepatadistance, I may float down in safety.

8. Robert always spent the hunting season atAudley Court; not that he was distinguished as a Nimrod, for he would quietly trot to covert upon a mild-tempered, stout-limbed, bay hack, and keepata very respectful distance from the hard riders; his horse knowing quite as well as he did, that nothing was further from his thoughts than any desire to be in at the death.

9. I think Anna is wise to keep your 1ove atadistance, for what 1adycou1d 1ive up to it?

10. Keep sb. atadistance: treat sb. coldly

11. I advise you to keep him atadistance until you are married.

12. keep at a distance的解释

12. I was wondering why you seemed to want to keep everybody atadistance.

13. keep at a distance在线翻译

13. Nobody likes her. We all keep her atadistance.

14. People will always keep violent people atadistance – even their family members.

15. This is the toughest way for porters where they should not only keep their balance but also need to do it at one fling, and it is also the most dangerous way where there is adistance difference of nearly 400 metres in one kilometre and have 1633 steps which equals to the height of 130 floors of building.

16. keep at a distance

16. Keep him atadistance.

17. Hereby, according to the practices and experiences from the nitrogen drilling in this formation on many wells, we summarized the equipments used, the technical challenges encountered, and the measures adopted as follows: 1 the drilling rate should be controlled to be over 5 min/m in order to avoid sticking; 2 if serious sticking occurs, work the drill string ata controlled pull force, and keep circulating continuously till no obstruction in the annulus, then readjust the work distance of the drill string in order to free it.
为此,在多口氮气钻井实践的基础上,总结了在该层段运用氮气钻井时的设备配套、施工技术难点与处理对策:①在钻井过程中要控制钻时钻进(大于5 min/m),防止沉砂卡钻;②出现挂卡严重时,控制上提钻具吨位活动钻具,保持循环,待环空循环通道畅通后再调整钻具活动范围,直至解卡。

18. keep at a distance在线翻译

18. However the dream doesn`t come true, according to the investigation of ACI-FIND (2005), the popularity rate of cellular phone is the 1st in the whole world, but the rate for mobile internet only 8%, this mean most consumer just use voice service with cellular phone, and keep someone ata respectful distance to use mobile value-add services.

19. keep at a distance是什么意思

19. But many left-wing friends never forgave his apostasy, doubtless reinforcing his inclination to keep the outside world ata safe distance.

20. keep at a distance的解释

20. Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends atadistance.

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