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live off
美音: [liv ɔf] 英音: [liv ɔf]

live off基本解释

以…为食, 以…为生

live off网络解释

1. live off的解释

1. 住在...之外;靠...生活:not a little 许多,很 . | liveoff 住在...之外;靠...生活 . | live on 靠...生活;以...为食 .


2. 靠...生活:listen in收听,监听,偷听 | liveoff靠...生活 | live through渡过,经受过


3. 以...为食物,靠...生活:die from (病以外)因某事而死 | 14) liveoff 以...为食物,靠...生活 | live on 继续生活, 以...为主食, 靠...生活

4. 住在:live oak 槲树 | liveoff 住在 | live on air 不吃东西

live off词典解释

1. 依赖(某人)生活
If you live off another person, you rely on them to provide you with money.

e.g. ...a man who all his life had lived off his father.

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